Download a Gift Card to Print or Email

If you’re looking for a fun magazine for a child or grandchild, a Beano subscription makes an ideal gift for boys or girls.

Whether there is a special youngster's birthday coming up, or you're looking for a Christmas gift that keeps on giving every week, a Beano subscription is a great idea.

How Do I Give A Beano Subscription? 

Simply buy your subscription as normal, giving the child's name and address in the delivery details if you want the comic to arrive addressed to them.

If you want to gift the joy of Beano before the first issue arrives then we have a couple of options for you to email or print a gift message.

Get a downloadable gift certificate from the links below. 

Print a Foldable Gift Card  

Download, print and fold this gift message:

Download a PDF to Email 

Or download this gift message and attach it to an email:

Buying a non-subscription gift from Beano?

Buying an annual, Fan Club membership or latest Beano Special?

A child in bed reading Beano and with other copies of the magazine to hand.A child in bed reading Beano and with other copies of the magazine to hand.
Kids across the UK - and the world! - enjoy reading Beano comics every week.

Subscribe and Have Beano Delivered to Your Door 

Subscription is the cheapest, most convenient and quickest way to get your hands on the world’s longest-running weekly comic.

Start a subscription today with our latest UK and International subscription offers.